i have been spending way too much time practicing to pretend i am 89 years old....
BUT its all for a reason... i promise.
i taught myself to crochet and as of tonight... i am learning to knit.
i've only been doing this for a few weeks and i have already diagnosed myself with a mild case of carpel tunnel syndrome. its tragic, really.
i said there was a reason... and here it is...
this all started because i had this fantastic idea to purchase a book of star wars inspired crafts.
and i'm not sure about the rest of you, but i can't say no to the force.
so... as i was thumbing through the pages, i noticed a really neat r2d2 beanie that i just had to attempt to make.
completing this beanie would make me the coolest person i have ever known... really really well.
i went to michaels and bought all the materials.
when i got home, i sat in front of the computer and watched youtube tutorials all night until i figured the basics out.
at work the very next day, i had completed a measly 5 rounds on the thing, but dammit, i was proud!
i strutted around the shop with my glasses on the tip of my nose, butterscotch candies in my mouth/ in the pockets of a pair of elastic waist-banded slacks and a dainty sweater draped over my shoulders so that i wouldn't catch my death if it got chilly in the office. i even started getting the urge to call everyone "sonny" or "young lady."
something came over me and i couldn't stop... until i misunderstood the directions half way through and screwed up the beanie TWICE.
i could have cried...
but my adorable 6 year old nephew saw what it was i was trying to create and all of a sudden i became "super awesome aunt grannyesque lin lin!"
i could do anything! ...and by anything, i mean finish the stupid hat.
so, this sweet little boy told me how amazing i am and then he proceeded to tell me how he couldn't wait until winter so that he could wear his new beanie... the kid freaking claimed my unfinished mess of blue and grey yarn for himself! what was i to do??? he's just too cute to ever say no to...
i then became "super awesome aunt grannyesque yarn wielding slave lin lin!"
after about a week or two of wrist wrecking madness... the beanie was complete...
uh huh... i know... i am pretty stinking great.
personally, i thought this was really good for my first completed crochet project.
and my nephew adored it...
the only problem...
my niece began to assume that i was making her one as well...
so i began my second beanie...
my niece is 8 years old and is absolutely obsessed with zooey deschanel and the band, she and him.
she made me put both she and him albums on my sister's ipod (which my sister just LOVES me for... this is meant to be sarcastic... i know... it doesn't translate as well in writing.)
AND the sweet little girl got on my laptop and bookmarked items on the she and him website store for me to buy her for her birthday (5 months away).
i completed this baby in 4 days...
again... i have to say that i impressed myself once more.
you'll have to excuse me... i have hats to make for the rest of my nieces, my best friend, my boyfriend and his best friend... maybe by christmas, i will have made one for myself... we'll see.