Tuesday, April 17, 2012

to my dearest follower

this is for you.
my mom showed it to me as soon as i got out of class tonight. she's so sweet.

i don't feel like putting on shoes.

with love,
your favorite follower. <3


  1. I have a Zooey treat for you as well! Check back this evening my faithful follower ;). I am going to pretend that is her real house because it is so real and cozy :)!!!!! She's a breath of fresh air :)

    Peace out,
    Your adoring audience (that means I adore you, I hope, I don't want it to mean that I am calling myself adorable..haha)

    1. yesssssss! I'm heading over to check it out now. my mom said something about hoping that's her house too. I want her to hang out with us and the three of us could be best friends forever and ever and ever!
      You are too funny. I giggled when I read "breath of fresh air."
      aaaaand I must say that I am honored to be adored by such an adorable audience of one!

      love peace and chicken grease,
      YOUR adoring follower :)

    2. I love chicken grease peace and love! We shall melt beads at your house for the next adventure!

    3. i accept! i accept!
      i am so sorry for the delay in excitement... but finals are kicking my butt. :(
      but i am so down for crafting with you in my humble abode!

  2. http://www.guidespot.com/guides/engagement_photo_funny_wedding

    Enjoy :]

    1. Oh

      That is hilariously awesome! why aren't you at with me at work right now so we could be making fun of this together????
