Tuesday, May 29, 2012

pinterest, you are the devil

my brain and eyes are going to explode due to over stimulation thanks to pinterest and this blustery day.
and to top it off...
this is all i brought to work today.

so... if i don't overload on pinterest... then i will die of boredom.
4:30, hurry up!

this song makes me melt every single time.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

so much for being unique...

stupid urban outfitters!
stole my bf's idea...

I've been wearing this for 9 years now!

some far off feeling. some up close kind of ache.

if there was a soundtrack for my life,  this song would definitely be included in a driving/ running away scene.

not sure why or where i would be running to... but i'd write it in just for the song.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

please don't arrest me for public nudity, officer... i was just trying to answer my phone!

so... there's this bra... 

supposedly, it holds all of your necessities so that you don't need to carry a purse.
i'm having mixed feelings about this contraption.
why? you may ask...

well, it seems like a good idea for girls who don't like to carry a purse... i too, hate carrying my purse around, but i am the kind of person who is constantly in need of some sort of visual or mental stimulation, which means i usually bring a whole lot of crap with me wherever i go. so, one bra with a few measly pockets is useless to me.

it may just be the fact that i have the attention span of a small rodent, but i can't even fill my gas tank up completely without wanting to bash my head into the dirty windows of my beloved jeep... forget about lowering gas prices, i will pay significantly more just to bring back full service stations, or for someone to invent lightning fast gas pumps. i hate it so much that i will put off getting gas until i absolutely have to... which is usually when my car stops running on fumes and starts running on prayers.

where was i?
oh, right... so, i've decided that i will need about 84 of these bras to equal one purse.
it is disgustingly "whorish," in my opinion, when i see my older sister reach into her cleavage to stash money or her phone... both of which will probably be drenched in sweat eventually... unless a plastic baggy is involved... in which case, i'd just give up on the bra stashing operation entirely.
plus, what if your phone started to ring... how would you reach in your bra pocket to answer your phone in public?? that is just asking for trouble.

okay, i know i said i had mixed feelings, but i never said they were evenly mixed.
moving on to the one and only reason i became kind of intrigued by this secret stash bra
i want it in sports bra form!

here's my reasoning...
i like to go walking in the afternoons, but as i said before, i can never travel empty handed and when i go walking, it is no different. i usually bring:
my keys
water bottle
...but when three of those items are in my pockets at the same time they cause my shorts to gradually fall down... which means that i to have to constantly pull them up while trying to keep the water bottle cradled in my armpit. i look funny, its inconvenient and uncomfortable. so basically, if i could find a sports bra with pouches, my problems would be solved! i am so close to just making one myself.... or buying a fanny pack. obviously, i mean business.

Monday, May 7, 2012

shaq is wack.

the results are in!
spring semester 2012:

intro to anthropology: A
mathematics for liberal arts: A
understanding visual art: A

okay, so its nothing to write home about, but i'm excited.
deep down in my heart, i love school. i might go forever... like van wilder.... 

...or shaq <---- click there.

i always knew i loved shaq... 
even before he was the wish grantin, basketball playin, rap spittin genie named kazaam.

interesting tidbit: i actually owned a jersey and a giant plastic locker with his name on it...
yeah, i was strange. 

but, the man just got his doctorate 
and wants to go back for his law degree.  
i think i might have to go find that jersey now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"throw grenades instead of baby showers"

dearest friends and family members,

    cut it out with all of this matrimony and procreation!
i just want to live out my extended childhood in peace...
and you guys are really screwing things up for me.

thank you for your time,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

lectures are boring.

last class of the semester and I can't pay any more attention... soooo... let me share some silly photos of some of my favorite people hanging out at the airport for no reason.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

to my dearest follower

this is for you.
my mom showed it to me as soon as i got out of class tonight. she's so sweet.

i don't feel like putting on shoes.

with love,
your favorite follower. <3

Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm sorry for neglecting you again bloggy poo. my one follower has inspired me to blog again.

...and I totally will... after I do my homework, clean the bathroom, put my clean laundry away, clean my room, shower, hang out with the boyfriend, and find something interesting about my life worth taking about. so.... soon?

because this.... has become ridiculous.