Tuesday, April 24, 2012

lectures are boring.

last class of the semester and I can't pay any more attention... soooo... let me share some silly photos of some of my favorite people hanging out at the airport for no reason.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

to my dearest follower

this is for you.
my mom showed it to me as soon as i got out of class tonight. she's so sweet.

i don't feel like putting on shoes.

with love,
your favorite follower. <3

Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm sorry for neglecting you again bloggy poo. my one follower has inspired me to blog again.

...and I totally will... after I do my homework, clean the bathroom, put my clean laundry away, clean my room, shower, hang out with the boyfriend, and find something interesting about my life worth taking about. so.... soon?

because this.... has become ridiculous.